Comprising of three sectors, upstream, midstream and downstream; mining, pipeline, oil and gas is the largest industry sector in the world in terms of dollar value, employing hundreds of thousands of workers across the planet and generating billions of dollars globally each year.
Upstream is the exploration. This involves the search for resources under the ground or underwater and the drilling of exploration wells and opening or cultivating the land to recover oil and gas
Midstream entails the transportation, storage and processing of oil and gas. Once resources are recovered, they have to be transported to refineries, which are often located in a completely different geographical region. Transportation can include anything from trucking to rail to pipelines.
Downstream refers to the filtering of the raw materials, refining and purifying the mined resources. This also includes the marketing and distribution of the final products to the end users.
Examples of Businesses in This Industry
- Exploration
- Drilling
- Strip Mining
- Planning and Engineering
- Pipeline Service and Maintenance
- Refining and Processing of Raw Materials and By-Products
- Downhole Tools and Associated Manufacturing
Common Services Used by this Industry
Worker Exposure is a conversation that has wide scope. Exposures in the workplace can range from Noise to Fume to Particulate. Any worker exposure is legislated to be addressed by the employer and each exposure has a unique approach to understand and mitigate. With the offering of no-cost walk-throughs we can create a custom sampling program to get to the route of the problem and mitigate risk to worker health.
To Learn More Click Here.
Like all bussineses, land and facility owners are not exempt from having a safety program that adheres to the legislative requirements. These programs and documents are built with written policies and procedures that form a basis for your total worker health platform. From “Violence and Harassment in the Workplace” to “Joint Health and Safety Committee Procedures” JADA can help to create the documentation and implement the systems to help your business reach a Total Worker Health culture.
To Learn More Click Here.
Anything and everything to do with Asbestos and Hazardous Materials in construction and building materials. JADA offers a full range of Hazardous Materials Consulting from Survey to Specification Development to Abatement Air Monitoring.
To Learn More Click Here.
If you have tenants or are a tenant and feel that your workspace may be compromised by inadequate air quality, you may be in need of a IAQ assessment. There are many different ways to learn more about your air quality and we can customized the right approach for your scenario.
To Learn More Click Here.
Mould is everywhere, there are good types and bad types. Are they impacting your work environment and your total worker health? We can perform a survey, collect samples, and monitor your indoor air to determine if mould is an issue in your workplace.
To Learn More Click Here.
NPRI Reporting is a requirement for buildings and businesses that have any fume or byproduct release that may impact the environment. Navigating the waters of reporting this information can be tricky and confusing as it is required by government.
To Learn More Click Here.
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Prioritizing Exposure Controls: How Banding Strategies Help Manage Chemical Risk 👉
📑 American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) recently published this article, written by Alex Mercer, MSc., CIH, ROH and Angela Wheeler.
#aiha #exposurecontrols
See this Instagram post by @jadasolutionshseinc
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